Does Font Size Affect Search Engine Ranking?

Modified Date:May 25, 2024
Does font size affect search engine ranking

Let’s find out how important is the font size for SEO rankings. Does it matter if we use a 22px font-size than the 14px?

Another related question usually asked in the SEO community; Is it going to affect the ranking If a page is using 22px font size and the other is using 14px?

Google’s John Mueller replied to the relatively same question “I don’t think it affects. Usually, it shouldn’t the one thing Google would watch out for is mobile-friendliness. So if your page can be viewed properly on a mobile device.

Mobile-friendliness is still a factor that Google look into for ranking but otherwise, it doesn’t really matter.

It’s more something between you and your users so that you present something that they can read they can understand that’s easy for them to kind of process”

In general; Better readability and user experience help a user to read the content easily than the small font-size narrowly styled. This usually increases the session time.

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