Do Core Web Vitals Affect Mobile or Desktop Rankings?

Modified Date:May 25, 2024

Mobile Core Web Vitals

At the moment,  the plan is only to use the mobile user experience. So in the desktop search results, we plan not to use these Core Web Vitals with regards to ranking, at least for the moment, and in the mobile search results, we take into account the mobile Core Web Vitals of a page.

That’s why also, in Search Console, we focus more on the mobile side of things with regards to the Core Web Vitals. The other factors that are used for the page experience ranking element, still apply to both desktop and mobile. So in particular, HTTPS what is it, the Safe Browsing side? All of these other factors that are about the pages themselves, apply to both desktop and mobile.

A similar question was asked during Google Search Central office hours. Look What John Mueller said:

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